MSD filed a wrongful termination claim against Walmart on behalf of a former employee who was fired after complaining about racial discrimination. KFI News covered the lawsuit.
On June 7, 2021, Arash Sadat of MSD Lawyers secured a legal victory on behalf of the Japanese government when the Honorable Dean D. Pregerson held that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (“METI”) would be allowed to participate as amicus curiae in a class action alleging violations of U.S. and Japanese securities laws.
MSD Partner Arash Sadat breaks down the differences between dispute resolution methods and makes recommendations on which avenue to pursue and when to best protect your business interests on the podcast iSoftpull: The Main Course.
The topic of civil asset forfeiture has received considerable media attention in recent years. National news outlets such as the New Yorker, PBS Frontline, the Washington Post, and even HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver have commented on the controversial practice, which allows the government to forfeit (i.e., permanently take) privately-owned property involved in criminal activity without charging the property owner with a crime.
It is with great pleasure that we announce the opening of MSD Lawyers. We founded this firm with a vision of providing excellent legal counsel to businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals without the inefficiency or expense that comes with a large law firm.
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